St. Joseph's dream

St. Joseph's dream refers to Biblical episodes in which Saint Joseph is visited by Angel and receives specific instructions. In the New Testament there are 3 specific episodes in which St. Joseph has such dreams.[1]

All three episodes appear in the Gospel of Matthew and relate to the Nativity of Jesus. These episodes have been the subject of works of art by well known artists.


Biblical accounts

The three specific episodes in the New Testament are as follows:[2][3]

  • First dream: In Matthew 1:20-21 Joseph is told not be afraid to take Mary as his wife, because she was conceived by the Holy Spirit. (See also the Annunciation, in which an angel informs Mary with a similar message.)

In art

See also


  1. ^ The Birth of Jesus According to the Gospels by Joseph F. Kelly 2008 ISBN pages 41-49
  2. ^ A Dictionary of biblical tradition in English literature by David L. Jeffrey 1993 ISBN 0802836348 pages 538-540
  3. ^ Who's Who in the New Testament by Ronald Brownrigg, Canon Brownrigg 2001 ISBN 0415260361 pages 96-100
